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Activity report

The first attempt at a networking event was followed by a social gathering where the award winners of the first session and participants of the presentation contest of the second session could interact with each other and with visitors.

 The participants, who had been reserved at first, gradually became more relaxed, exchanged business cards and greetings, and began to interact with each other, creating a circle of people from all walks of life, including those who are involved in refugee support. Everyone in the hall interacted with each other, and we believe that it provided an opportunity for new encounters.

At the same time, we had the opportunity to interview four NGO members on stage. They congratulated the winners and said that they felt the presentation contest was well organized. As for their thoughts on the resettled refugees, the NGO members had concerned for the difficulties of living in Japan where the culture and language are different, the challenges of Japanese society, and the differences in problems faced by the first generation and second generation of resettled refugees.

