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Activity report

Financial assistance for Support 21 Social Welfare Foundation in regards of educational assistance

On March 30th, 2021, Dr. Masahiro Fujiwara, President of the FWEAP and Mr. Tadamasa Fukiura, President of Support 21, signed a contract pledging 3,013,560 yen of financial assistance.


With this financial assistance, the supplementary classes will be held from this April to strengthen basic academic abilities for the children of Myanmar refugees (totaling 16 children in elementary school and junior high school) who have settled in Takasu, Chiba City. The children along with their families came to Japan under the Third country Resettlement Program, and received the Assistance Program for Resettlement for six months provided by the Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ)


Educational consultations will be held on a regular basis for the parents of the children who may have inquiries about the classes and the events at school.

Above: After the signing ceremony

From left, Mr. Masashi Ogawa, FWEAP Director General, Dr. Masahiro Fujiwara FWEAP President, Mr. Tadamasa Fukiura Support 21 President, Ms. Takahashi Support 21 Director and Secretary-General.


Below: Dr. Fujiwara FWEAP President and Mr. Fukiura Support 21 President signing the contract.

In addition to the both presidents, there was attendance of Mr. Ogawa Director General and Mr. Anzai Advisor to the President from the FWEAP and Ms. Takahashi Director from Support 21 at the ceremony.
